Status Update
Hey all, I wanted to give everyone a heads up as to where my pattern creativity has disappeared to. It's still there, and the hundreds of patterns sitting on my hardrive still waiting to be converted are a daily reminder.
But, in October of last year I got to join the long line at the unemployment office. Ever since then I've basically become self employed. It's not easy, and I probably would never had done it on my own but it sure beats what I got let go from :)
I am enjoying myself and learning new things, but it isn't leaving me a heck of a lot of time to work on hobbies. So I apologize for not being so um 'fruitful' in my offerings here for the past few months but as things settle down I'll be able to get back into the swing of things.
Quite of few of you have been extremely supportive during this time period, you know who you are, and I greatly appreciate it.
So lots of smooches to everyone who's downloaded and enjoyed my work, may your Sims be fruitful in their own way ;)